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It is 2024. Fighting for and retaining top talent is still a hot topic. Companies must continually reinvent themselves and commit to good HR practices to retain their people and attract new ones. 
Why? Because job candidates and employees are currently setting the ship's course. Strategically managing human capital continues to be fundamental for proactively addressing the demands of an increasingly competitive talent landscape.

Can organisations impact their retention rate? And can organisations match their offerings to the expectations of new talent? This is where Great Place To Work and Vlerick Business School have joined forces with the support of our media partners: Références, HTag, Nieuwe Media Group, and HR Magazine. The aim of this study is to assist HR practitioners in navigating how to respond to the rapidly changing needs en expectations of talent.

For this study, we sought employees currently working in Belgian organisations. The questionnaire explores career expectations and intentions, as well as the importance Belgian employees attach to the promises made by current or prospective employers. Through this academic approach, we hope to inspire organisations to draft an effective employer branding strategy.


Inspired to draft an effective employer branding strategy? Curious to discover the impact a recognition label can have on a company's employer brand? 

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Thank you for downloading our Employer Branding study, and hence your interest in
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If you want to get more information about Great Place to Work® certification and the impact
of the label, please join us during one of our free info sessions or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. to us directly.

Don't hesitate to reach out should any questions arise.

Kind regards,
Great Place to Work® Belgium Team