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Become a Great Place to Work - Info session

 Become a Great Place to Work - Info session
How can your organisation earn a Great Place to Work®-Certified Badge?

When people think of a Great Workplace™, they often picture an organisation with lavish perks, fancy parties and amazing benefits. While those elements are present in many of our Great Place to Work-Certified™ companies, the definition of a Great Workplace™ goes far deeper than perks and benefits. In fact, at its core, a Great Workplace™ is about the level of trust that employees experience in their leaders, the level of pride they have in their jobs, and the extent to which they enjoy their colleagues.Companies certified as a Great Place To Work attract more high-quality applicants, take less time and cost to fill positions and increase employee retention and productivity

In this session Sara Teuwen, Business Developer Great Place to Work® Belgium, will tell you all about the Great Place To Work Institute and explain how your organisation can obtain our Certified label. Do note that while any company can roll out the survey, you will need a minimum of 50 employees (in BE or internationally) to be eligible for the certificate.

The info session will take place online, in English.


Next date:

April 10, 10am