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Webinar: “Wage transparency and how it will affect your organisation”

 Webinar: “Wage transparency and how it will affect your organisation”
Webinar: "Wage transparency and how it will affect your organisation" 

In May, the European parliament officially approved upon the “wage transparency” directive. The main goal of this policy is to decrease the wage differences between different demographic sub-groups. It goes without saying that this directive will affect all employers and the overall HR cycle. But how will it affect organisations? And what exactly does this policy entail?

On October 21 (10.00am), Vlerick Business School Professor Xavier Baeten is hosting a webinar on this specific topic. Sign up now, mark your calendar, and make sure to receive clear insights on this directive and how to move forward within your organisation!


  • Date: October 21, 2024
  • Timing: 10.00am - 11.00am


Register now!