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Quality labels for employers are worth their weight in gold.

 Quality labels for employers are worth their weight in gold.

Companies that have a workplace quality label identifying them as good employers are in high demand among final-year students. In a study by Vlerick Business School, partner of Great Place To Work Belgium, 79% of respondents say they would rather apply to a company with an accredited label to show that its current employees experience it as a good employer. Additionally, 60% indicate that they would be more inclined to stay with such a company for longer.

The study investigated to what extent (advanced) master students consider it important for their future employer to be recognised as an employer of choice. Figure 1 gives an overview of the answers provided to the following statement: “I would be more inclined to apply for a job in an organisation that is recognised as a good employer (e.g., having a Great Place to Work label)”. The vast majority of graduates (79%) indicate that they would be more likely to apply at a company that is recognised as a good employer by its employees . 16% of the students report that having an employer recognition label does not influence their decision concerning applying to a company.

Graduate Study figure 1 blog 1

The students also indicated to what extent they would be inclined to stay longer with an organisation that is scored as a good employer by its current employees (e.g., having an employer recognition label or best workplace award) (Figure 2). More than half of the students (60%) reported that they would be inclined to stick with a company for a longer period of time if the company is recognised as a good employer. Since our findings demonstrate that great workplaces both attract and retain young talents, it is crucial for companies to invest in creating outstanding working environments that focus on trust and belonging.

Graduate Study figure 2 blog 1 

“These ‘employer of choice’ labels are based on a systematic survey of the employees at the organisations concerned. In other words, companies that make long-term investments in creating a good working environment based on credibility, respect, fairness and collegiality are at an advantage when it comes to attracting young talent from Gen Z.” - Prof. Dr Dirk Buyens, CEO of Great Place To Work Belgium

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