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Embracing the Future: The 4-Day Workweek Revolution

 Embracing the Future: The 4-Day Workweek Revolution

In a world that constantly evolves, so too should our approach to work. This blog explores the 4-day workweek, a concept that goes beyond the ‘usual’ work structures. An idea that challenges the 9-to-5 model, urging us to reconsider current policies and structures. A policy that has been legislated in Belgium since November 2022, as one of the leading countries in Europe. But what are the opportunities and the challenges of the system? And why is the prospect of a 4-day workweek in Belgium not appealing (yet)?

Belgium as a European pioneer

With the legislation of the 4-day workweek concept in Belgium since November 2022, Belgium seemed to be paving the way for other European countries to do the same.
The concept as it exists in Belgium, however, expects employees to maintain the same number of hours, but condense these into fewer days.
By introducing the ‘condensed workweek’, the government mainly hoped to increase flexibility, facilitate a better work-life balance and decrease long-term absences and burn-outs. In other words, to contribute to the concept of "workable work". A great perspective, since initially 37% of full-time employees would consider making use of this system. An additional benefit of this alternative working schedule was that around 24% of part-time employees would consider working on a full-time basis again.

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Unveiling the Pros and Cons

The past year has given us the time and resources to evaluate the 4-day workweek as it is currently defined in Belgium.

As the first studies have shown a positive impact on employees’ work-life balance, the initiative does seem to succeed in its main goal. This occurred mainly amongst employees who regularly worked overtime and fathers with young children who were actively looking for a better work-life balance. Now let’s take a closer look at the impact on other pillars.

The strict guideline to predetermine start and end times, breaks, and days off has paradoxically diminished overall flexibility instead of enhancing it. These constraints result in the extra day off failing to compensate for the loss of a flexible daily schedule, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The condensed workweek concept, however, doesn’t negatively impact the overall availability towards the stakeholders nor relationship with colleagues.

Although the concept grants you an extra free day per week to relax, some studies suggest that the work-related stress and tiredness strongly increase on the working days. Even with one extra day per week, you could ask yourself if people have sufficient time to recover before starting a new series of 4 ten-hour working days.

The condensed workweek concept seems mainly applicable to white-collar workers. Blue-collar workers as well as employees within specific industries (e.g. hospitality, large enterprises with complex operations or healthcare) often don’t seem to have the option of that flexibility. So, it sparks the question if this new policy is not also creating more inequity amongst sectors.

Alternative approaches to enhance the 4-Day workweek

A more successful version of the 4-day workweek might be one based on the “100:80:100”-model.
100% of the pay for 80% of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintaining at least 100% productivity – a concept that has been piloted both in Europe and beyond and caused a large majority of the participating organisations to maintain the 4-day workweek.

These pilot projects have already proven some big advantages of the system. Employees become more critical in organising their work, and often work more efficiently and continue to improve their abilities. Furthermore, employees reported improved physical and mental health, a better work-life balance, and needed fewer sick days. Next to an increased productivity and happier employees, organisations also felt an overall positive impact on the business. This mainly in terms of revenues, hiring and absenteeism.

But every system has its disadvantage and so does this one. Same as for the condensed system, this concept is not suitable for all and seems mainly directed to white-collar workers. Industries such as retail & hospitality, and mainly those already facing a labour-shortage, may not be great candidates for any type of 4-day workweek.

As organisations don’t stand on their own, having everyone off one specific day can pose challenges for relationships with different stakeholders. For management it may cause some additional challenges on team management and prioritisation, as time is simply more limited and should be filled in more efficiently.

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Conclusion - Is it here to stay

In Belgium, the enthusiasm for switching to a 4-day workweek vanished almost as quickly as it arrived. With no concrete research and figures available yet, it is hard to predict the effects. However, evidence-based policies and trial & error might be the way to go. An important consideration is whether this can become a way to work for all. Although it might currently seem hard for specific industries, advances in automation and innovations in AI might make the concept just as relevant for all in the future.
